Looking for your ancestors? If they ever lived in Zeeland, the most southwestern province of the Netherlands, you should be able to find them in our search engine Zeeland Ancestors.

Start your search here
The search engine Zeeland Ancestors almost offers ten million personal data.
Search tips for Zeeland Ancestors
Experienced researchers know that searching for information can be difficult. You only learn by doing - and by reading this page with searching tips! Good luck!
Overview of used sources
The various sources that you can consult in Zeeland Ancestors are divided into more than 40 source groups. Find out more. Pay attention, this page is under construction.
Useful resources
A selection of useful resources for historical research.
Frequently Asked Questions
- You searched for too many words. Try only searching for one and limit the search by using filters.
- You searched within a time-period. Sometimes it can help to search without specifying a time-period.
- You might still have filters on. Check which filters are on and disable the ones you do not need to use.
- You might have made a spelling mistake, try to find it and fix the mistake.
- The word you are looking for does not exist within our database. Try to search using a different word.
- The document you are looking for is not public. Birth certificates are public up until 1913, marriage certificates up until 1938 and death certificates up until 1963.
- The person you are looking for is not from Zeeland. You could try the national Dutch search engines Archieven.nl or WieWasWie.
- The spelling of the city or town you are looking for is incorrect.
- The information you are looking for is not yet available in Zeeland Ancestors. Look at the page Overview of used sources to see what kind of documents and names are part of the database.
- The information used to be available in a older version of Zeeland Ancestors but is not yet available on the new website.
Volunteers and employees of the Zeeuws Archives are the ones who fill the database with data. This is done by people, so it is possible you come across a mistake. The civil servants of the Civil Registry might have also made mistake. It is also possible that the declarants did not have the right information at the time of declaration.
There are several ways to alert us of a mistake:
- In the database Zeeland Ancestors via the email button React. This option will automatically send the specifics of the description. In the Comments you can describe the mistake you found.
- Send us an email at zeeuwengezocht@zeeuwsarchief.nl.
All comments are used to improve the database. The processing of your comment might take some time. You will always receive a response from us.
The different sources you can access through Zeeland Ancestors are divided into 42 source groups. Check out the Overview of used sources in Zeeland Ancestors.
The most recently added documents to Zeeland Ancestors are always directly under the search bar and you can even sort by “most recently edited”. When new documents are added, we also announce this via our website and social media.
Check out the list of all added files in the overview per year. This overview is in Dutch only: overzicht van nieuwe bronnen per jaar.
Check out the overview per year of the amount of personal data in Zeeland Ancestors.
Always cite the original source in your bibliography or works cited. This is never Zeeland Ancestors or the Zeeuws Archives website, but always the archive source from which the data originates.
This smiling man is François de Reu. He was born on the 16th of March 1796 in Schoondijke, Zeeuws-Flanders. This picture was taken on the occasion of his 100th birthday. He was a tailor by trade. He lived and worked in Groede, close to his place of birth, for a big part of his life. He died on the 1st of April 1899.

Do you have a comment or improvement for Zeeland Ancestors?
Volunteers of the Zeeuws archives enter improvements into the database.
Send us an email