The Unity

MCC Slave Voyage The Unity
Bilingual (Dutch and English) source website on the voyage of the Dutch slave ship The Unity (1761-1763) with detailed background information about the Middelburg Commerce Company, the ship The Unity, life aboard a slave ship and the trans-Atlantic slave trade or triangle trade.
Product by the Zeeland Archives
Dutch educational websites
History of slavery and slave trade.
Educational website – Canon of the Dutch history in 50 windows.
Slavery and you
A website for everybody who would like to learn more about the history of Dutch slavery.
Product of the National Institute Dutch History – Slavery and Legacy (NiNsee) .
Slavery and music. Discover the history of slavery and how carnival music and –dance is related to this. Follow the trail from the Netherlands to Angola, from there to Brazil and back to the Netherlands.
Production by Miranda’s Filmproducties.
Clips about slavery
Slavery: present and past. Do you know what it was like to live in slavery, what the role of the Netherlands was and how many slaves there still are worldwide today? In Clips about Slavery, you can share your thoughts about the history of slavery and modern day slavery through an animation that clip you can make yourself.
Initiative by Stichting HOLY Animatie.
Slavery then and now
Online exposition to create awareness of the existence and forms of slavery throughout the centuries.
Initiative by Fairwork.
The Slavery
Slavery and slave trade, then and now. Program for young people: The Slavery Junior
Production by NTR.
School TV slavery and slave trade
Clips about slavery en slave trade.
Productie van NTR: School TV.
The Netherlands and the trans-Atlantic slave trade
Interactive exhibition on important themes within the history of slavery and slave trade.
Initiative by Stichting Africaserver.
History of Dutch slavery
Lesson letter with workbook and teacher’s manual about the history of the Dutch slavery past and the legacy left to the white and black descendents. With the knowledge about the history of slavery, its abolition and the commemoration of this period children can become more accepting of children with a different background.
Publication by Stichting Herdenking Slavernijverleden 2013.
Dutch and English language Educational website
Slave trade in the Atlantic world
From the economic triangle to Anansi’s web. Educational website for the first levels of secondary school (bilingual, Dutch and English).
Developed by th Center for Historical Culture (Erasmus University Rotterdam).
English language Educational websites
Breaking The Silence
UNESCO Educational project about the history of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Initiative by UNESCO Education.
Slave Voyages
Source website for educational purposes, supplemented with multidisciplinary lessons.
Launched by Emory University Atlanta.
Schools can contact each other via e-twinning to work together on various projects.
Dutch website for European collaboration.
English website for European collaboration.
There is an international cooperation program in Great Brittainn: Connecting Classrooms.
Potentially schools can also contact each other through UNESCO Education.