Researching Zeeland emigrants

Looking for Zeeland emigrants who left for a foreign country or Dutch overseas territories in the 19th and 20th centuries? Search and find migrants in Zeeland Ancestors (Zeeuwen Gezocht), the database with personal data provided by the Zeeland Archives.

Ouders en drie kinderen kijken lachend naar de fotograaf.

Migrants to Michigan

Search in Zeeland Ancestors in the data of migrants who - prior to their departure from Zeeland - registered to travel to the state of Michigan in the United States.

All Zeeland emigrants

Search in Zeeland Ancestors details of all migrants who left Zeeland.

Sources in Zeeuwen Ancestors

The data of emigrants in Zeeland Ancestors come from lists of emigrants and population registers. Read more


Photos of emigrants to America

Portraits of Zeelanders who emigrated to North America in the image database of the Zeeland Archives.

Zeeland or Dutch ancestors?

Not all Dutch migrants originated from Zeeland. If you have Dutch ancestors from elsewhere in the Netherlands you can find them on this portal site WieWasWie.